Cat Facts
Tuxedos are beautiful felines have a personality that is playful, friendly, and smart. They are perfect for families with children, as they are known to be very good with kids. In fact, many parents choose tuxedo cats as their family pets because of their gentle nature and intelligence.
Abyssinians do not typically do well with being left alone for long periods of time. When you must leave them for a few hours, it's always a good idea to provide a few extra toys or games, or hide treats around the house to entertain your cat.
Abyssinian cats make great family pets due to their playful nature and intelligent yet quiet personalities! They are the perfect companion for almost anyone due to their unusual loyalty.
Tuxedo cats may not be their own breed, but they certainly have made a name for themselves with their unique traits.
Although quiet and initially hesitant, Tabbies will warm to people once they become familiar with them and will bond closely with human family members. They are particularly good with children, showing patience, affection, and easy adaptation to changes in the home.
Although they are recognized for being sassy, vocal felines, Tortoiseshells also love their owners with fierce loyalty.
Mackerel Tabbies have the most common tabby pattern. Narrow stripes run parallel on the cat’s body coat, sometimes gently curving, other times breaking up into bars and spots. Sometimes referred to as “tiger” cats, mackerel tabbies also feature an “M” shape on the center of the forehead.
Mackerel Tabbies have vertical stripes running parallel on either side of their bodies. There is usually one large stripe going down the cat’s spine and several thinner lines. These felines also have rings around their tails and legs, and bands of stripes around their bodies.
Though it's not unusual for the rescue to adopt out bonded animals — they usually come in pairs, rarely trios. These three kittens are all very sociable and outgoing. It's an opportunity for someone to add three very sweet animals to their family.
Tuxies are the strongest swimmers of all domestic felines, but heaven help the human who tries to get them into the water.
Tortoiseshell have endless amount of energy that can at times come across as being headstrong or simply being a bit more sensitive that other cats. This requires sufficient play time.
The charismatic Selkirk Rex cat breed was recognized by various cat associations around the world and, though rare, continues to gain popularity.
Selkirk Rex cats are rarely territorial or aggressive, although all cats are individuals. They're playful and docile, and more timid than boisterous.
Torbie cats are known for their distinct coat which is a combination of tabby stripes and tortoiseshell markings. This blend gives the torbie pattern its characteristic look, setting it apart from its genetic cousins.
It's a big claim, but the Turkish Van is one of the rarest breeds in the world.
Gray, also called "blue," is not a rare color among cats and in fact it's a dilute version of black. In addition to solid gray cats, gray can be seen often with patterned cats such as Tabbies, Particolors, Torties, Calicos and more. Gray is a color that can evoke an air of quiet mystery, introversion and stability, making it a perfect coat color for a cat who fits the subtle and enigmatic stereotype of the typical feline.
In Japan, single women who own black cats are believed to attract more suitors. In Great Britain’s English Midlands, a black cat is the ideal wedding gift; they’re believed to bring good luck and happiness to the bride.
What is a Tabby cat? “Tabby” is not a breed but a coat pattern in cats. Its appearance can vary slightly from stripes to whorls, spots, and more. These variations all have their own names, but often an “M” shaped marking appears on the head of Tabby cats, just above the eyes. The Tabby pattern can be seen across a wide range of purebred cats and in mixed breed cats.
Tabby cats got their name by being compared to silk from the "Attabiy" district in Baghdad, and the 14th century Middle French term for it was "atabis," which then became "tabis," and eventually our English word, "tabby."
It was long believed that Tuxedo patterns were the result of "slow" or "sluggish" pigment cells that couldn't reach all parts of the kitty embryo before it was fully formed, leaving white patches in the areas that the pigment cells missed.
Tuxedo Cats are groundbreaking adventure cats! It's rumored the first and only cat to scale Mount Everest was a Tuxedo named Roderick. Of course, his own carried him to the top, but still...
Tuxedo coloring on a cat refers to black and white. However, you’ll find instances of orange, silver, grey, and tabby bicolor cats. All equally adorable!
Dog facts
Designer dog refers to an intentional mixing of breeds and is sometimes called a "hybrid" dog. These types of dogs are created by intentionally combining existing breeds to form new ones. Most existing dog breeds were created in this way and likely are hybrids.
Science-Based Benefits of Having a Dog: They encourage you to move. Dogs make you more attractive—even virtually. They make us more social. Dogs are so adorable they make us love them.
Science-Based Benefits of Having a Dog: Dogs make us feel less alone. They are good for your heart. Dogs help you stop stressing out. They help us cope with crisis.
True "hybrid" dog is a dog crossed with a wild animal, such as a wolf or coyote. These intentional pairings may or may not occur naturally in the wild. These types of animals are not usually recommended as pets, as they are a half-wild animal. Many times special permits are required, if an owner is planning to keep one as a pet.
What is a mixed breed or a designer dog? It is a different name for what is essentially a mutt. While the word mutt can have a negative connotation, it simply means that the dog's parents were not registered and both parents are not of the same breed.
An Australian cattle dog's colors represent his multicultural heritage, including Dalmatian, collie, and wild Australian dingo lineage.
From Adopter: Our kittens, Raya and Maru are almost a year old now and we allow them limited time outside. They love hunting mice and shrews. I did not know shrews were bigger than mice. They make our lives so much better. Getting both of them was the right decision. They keep each other entertained, they sleep together, eat together, groom each other and snuggle up with us at night. The dogs now pretty much ignore them. Please thank the lady that fostered them. They take care of each other with their grooming activities and don't fight over food. We love them.
Kittens who are able to remain with one of their littermates or a similarly-aged companion tend to be healthier and happier, and in the long run, better socialized pets than those who are isolated from others of their kind at an early age. Based on this fact, we offer a special discount for kittens that are adopted with a sibling or a kitten the same age from the same foster family.
Kitten Policy Changes 2/27/22
Quailwings Rescue Adoption Policy Change For Kittens
Quailwings Rescue Adoption Policy Change For Kittens
We are changing our policy about adopting kittens. There are several reasons for the changes based on research and studying kittens and cats over 50 years.
*Raising two kittens means that your cats will pick up on feline behavior cues. Both kittens will learn how to behave socially and will be more well-adjusted!
*When you bring home two kittens, they will have a built-in playmate. Both kittens can burn off extra energy by chasing, pouncing and play hunting each other throughout the house. Giving them an outlet for their kitten crazies means they’ll have less energy to engage in destructive behaviors like scratching the couch! Nail caps, double stick tape, cat trees, scratching post help them to leave your furniture and drapes alone.
*Cats learn how to “speak” cat by interacting with other cats, so raising your kittens together ensures they will learn how hard to play, how to share territory, how to communicate their needs and many other crucial social skills. In the future if you add more cats to your household, your kittens will understand how to interact with them and the new addition will have an easier transition into the family.
*If you work long hours, a single kitten can become lonely being the only one in the house. Despite the jokes that cats prefer their own company, kittens are actually very social creatures! The territorial nature of cats is a main factor in them seeking solitude, and it generally doesn’t kick in until adulthood. For this reason, kittens crave the attention and fun of a playmate. Having two cats at home means you don’t have to feel guilty leaving for work or vacation since you know they will keep each other company.
*Kittens learn by copying the behaviors of others, so having two kittens means less time training them for tasks such as using the litter box. Kittens learn the basics of how to gauge distance, walk along narrow objects, balance, climb, tumble and stalk during the first year of their life.
*Having another kitten to copy and learn from can help your cat understand his limits during playtime and keep him safer into his adult years. In addition, if one of your kittens has a bigger personality while the other is quiet and nervous, the more adventurous kitten may help teach your shy cat to be more confident and playful!
*Kittens normally begin to groom themselves between 4 and 5 weeks old. Often kittens will groom each other as a sign of protection and affection. It’s difficult for cats to reach their own faces and ears, so they may rely on the other cats in their home to keep these areas tidy.
*They watch each other to learn how to play together, how to use the litter box, and how to interact with humans.
*Having two cats reduces the chance that your cats will be overweight. Even as they get older, cats will often start up games with each other resulting in zooming around the house, pouncing from underneath furniture or jumping up on cat trees. Living an active lifestyle as they age and not becoming overweight will increase their lifespan and keep them healthier overall.
*While introducing a new kitten into the family can help to get your senior pet moving, one kitten’s endless drive to play can harass an older cat who wants to spend his days snoozing and not babysitting.
*The great thing about two kittens is that two hardly costs more than just one! Kittens can share litter boxes, cat trees, food and water bowls, beds and toys!
*It’s suggested that you choose two male cats or a male and female combination, if bringing home two kittens who are not already bonded as they tend to get along better than two females.
*Despite their independent natures, cats are social creatures that need companionship to thrive. Left alone, a cat can develop behavioral problems, and in some cases, even show signs of depression. Cats in bonded pairs, on the other hand, are more likely to be better adjusted.
*Bonus reason: You'll save two lives instead of one...
*Bonded Pair Adoption - It's easier to adopt a bonded pair than it is to introduce a new cat later. Adopting a dynamic duo ensures that you'll have a harmonious home for years to come!
*Raising two kittens means that your cats will pick up on feline behavior cues. Both kittens will learn how to behave socially and will be more well-adjusted!
*When you bring home two kittens, they will have a built-in playmate. Both kittens can burn off extra energy by chasing, pouncing and play hunting each other throughout the house. Giving them an outlet for their kitten crazies means they’ll have less energy to engage in destructive behaviors like scratching the couch! Nail caps, double stick tape, cat trees, scratching post help them to leave your furniture and drapes alone.
*Cats learn how to “speak” cat by interacting with other cats, so raising your kittens together ensures they will learn how hard to play, how to share territory, how to communicate their needs and many other crucial social skills. In the future if you add more cats to your household, your kittens will understand how to interact with them and the new addition will have an easier transition into the family.
*If you work long hours, a single kitten can become lonely being the only one in the house. Despite the jokes that cats prefer their own company, kittens are actually very social creatures! The territorial nature of cats is a main factor in them seeking solitude, and it generally doesn’t kick in until adulthood. For this reason, kittens crave the attention and fun of a playmate. Having two cats at home means you don’t have to feel guilty leaving for work or vacation since you know they will keep each other company.
*Kittens learn by copying the behaviors of others, so having two kittens means less time training them for tasks such as using the litter box. Kittens learn the basics of how to gauge distance, walk along narrow objects, balance, climb, tumble and stalk during the first year of their life.
*Having another kitten to copy and learn from can help your cat understand his limits during playtime and keep him safer into his adult years. In addition, if one of your kittens has a bigger personality while the other is quiet and nervous, the more adventurous kitten may help teach your shy cat to be more confident and playful!
*Kittens normally begin to groom themselves between 4 and 5 weeks old. Often kittens will groom each other as a sign of protection and affection. It’s difficult for cats to reach their own faces and ears, so they may rely on the other cats in their home to keep these areas tidy.
*They watch each other to learn how to play together, how to use the litter box, and how to interact with humans.
*Having two cats reduces the chance that your cats will be overweight. Even as they get older, cats will often start up games with each other resulting in zooming around the house, pouncing from underneath furniture or jumping up on cat trees. Living an active lifestyle as they age and not becoming overweight will increase their lifespan and keep them healthier overall.
*While introducing a new kitten into the family can help to get your senior pet moving, one kitten’s endless drive to play can harass an older cat who wants to spend his days snoozing and not babysitting.
*The great thing about two kittens is that two hardly costs more than just one! Kittens can share litter boxes, cat trees, food and water bowls, beds and toys!
*It’s suggested that you choose two male cats or a male and female combination, if bringing home two kittens who are not already bonded as they tend to get along better than two females.
*Despite their independent natures, cats are social creatures that need companionship to thrive. Left alone, a cat can develop behavioral problems, and in some cases, even show signs of depression. Cats in bonded pairs, on the other hand, are more likely to be better adjusted.
*Bonus reason: You'll save two lives instead of one...
*Bonded Pair Adoption - It's easier to adopt a bonded pair than it is to introduce a new cat later. Adopting a dynamic duo ensures that you'll have a harmonious home for years to come!